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Native Authentication

Native authentication is for developers who want to completely customize the login experience through Nylas to match their application.

Nylas Native Authentication Flow

When to Use Native Authentication

  • You want to completely customize the entire authentication process.
  • You don’t mind handling credentials and error handling.

There are 3 steps to get an access_token for an account using Native Authentication:

  1. Create a branded login page and have the user enter the information.
  2. Send a request to /connect/authorize with the required credentials and scopes.
  3. Nylas returns a one-time use code. Send the code to /connect/token to get the access token.

Step 1 Create a Branded Page

If you are using Native Authentication, instead of Hosted Authentication, you need to create a branded login page. The branded page is where your users will enter the login credentials.

We don’t recommend storing this information, instead, you should immediately make a request to /connect/authorize with the user-provided credentials.

Step 2 Make a Request to Connect Authorize

Use the credentials from your branded login page and make a request to Nylas with the correct provider settings and scopes.

The request parameters are:

  • Client ID - The client_id from your Nylas application. Create a Nylas app if you need a client_id.
  • Name - Name of the User
  • Email Address - User email address
  • Provider - Name of the email provider.
  • Settings - The settings object will vary depending on the provider. It typically includes information such as the username, password, SMTP, client_id, and client_secret. Check the provider settings to learn which information you need to provide.
  • Scopes - Review Authentication Scopes to learn more.

Example /connect/authorize Request

curl -X POST -d '{
"client_id": "nylas_client_id",
"name": "Nyla the Cheetah",
"email_address": "[email protected]",
"provider": "aol",
"settings": {
"password": "MakeEmailSuckLess"
"scopes": "email.read_only,calendar.read_only,contacts.read_only"

In the response, Nylas will return a one-time use code that you can exchange for an access_token. This code is only valid for 15 minutes. After that time, the code will expire.

Learn More

A full list of parameters can be found at /connect/authorize.

Step 3 Exchange the Code

Now that you have your one-time use code, send a request to /connect/token to get an access token.

Example /connect/token Request

curl -X POST "" -d '{
"client_id": "{client-id}",
"client_secret": "{client-secret}",
"code": "{nylas_code}"

In response, Nylas will return the account information.

Learn More

A full list of parameters can be found at /connect/authorize

Keep in Mind Native Authentication

  • Your app will need to provide:
    • Error handling
    • Provider and server settings detection
    • Handle credentials securely
  • Determine the scopes you need. If you need to change scopes, the user will have to reauthenticate.

Native Authentication Demo Apps

Take a look at our Native Authentication examples on GitHub.

What's Next

Certain providers have extra requirements. Review the documentation for each.