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iCloud Authentication

iCloud requires an app-specific password. The password is a requirement from Apple.

Learn More

Learn more about setting up app passwords in Nylas.


iCloud Hosted Authentication Steps

  1. Have your user generate an app-specific password. They’ll need it to continue on.
  2. Redirect the user to the Nylas hosted login page by making a GET request to /oauth/authorize.
  3. Once they are directed to the Nylas hosted login page, instead of using the iCloud password, they use the app-specific password.
  4. Complete the authentication flow by getting access tokens based on the response_type.

iCloud Native Authentication Steps

  1. Have your user generate an app-specific password. You’ll need it to continue on.
  2. Create the branded page like normal.
  3. Make a Request to /connect/authorize and provide the app-specific password in the settings.

Example iCloud /connect/authorize Request

curl -X POST -d '{
"client_id": "nylas_client_id",
"name": "Nyla the Cheetah",
"email_address": "[email protected]",
"provider": "icloud",
"settings": {
"password": "app-specific-password"
"scopes": "email.read_only,calendar.read_only,contacts.read_only"
  1. Exchange the code as normal.

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