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Optimize User Schedules With the Calendar API

Learn how to use the Nylas Calendar API to build a calendar integration that allows users to track how much uninterrupted focus time, and fragmented time they have on their schedule, and identifies unoptimized meetings that can be moved to increase the amount of uninterrupted focus time users have.

import time
import datetime
import sys
import os
from nylas import APIClient

# Create a Nylas client and initialize it with the appriopriate API credentials
def initialize_nylas():
CLIENT_ID = os.environ['CLIENT_ID']

nylas = APIClient(
return nylas

# Get a list of tuples that represent the user's work schedule for the week.
def working_hours(start_time, end_time):
today =

time_list = []

for day in range(0, 5):
weekday = today + datetime.timedelta(days=-today.weekday()) + datetime.timedelta(days=+day)

weekday_and_start_time = datetime.datetime.combine(weekday, start_time.time())
weekday_and_start_time_unix = weekday_and_start_time.strftime("%s")

weekday_and_end_time = datetime.datetime.combine(weekday, end_time.time())
weekday_and_end_time_unix = weekday_and_end_time.strftime("%s")

return time_list

# Get the calendar_id for the user's primary calendar
def get_calendar_id(nylas, email):
calendar_id = ""
for calendar in nylas.calendars.all():
# Get the primary calendar for a Google Calendar account
if calendar["name"] == email:
calendar_id = calendar["id"]
if calendar_id == "":
print("Could not find a calendar for the email #{}, please provide a valid email".format(email))
return calendar_id

# Make an API call to get all busy periods for each weekday during working hours
def get_all_free_busy(nylas, email, time_list):
free_busy_week = []
for time_pair in time_list:
free_busy = nylas.free_busy(email, time_pair[0], time_pair[1])
return free_busy_week

# Returns a date in yyyy-mm-dd format for a specified time pair
def get_date_from_time_pair(time_pair):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time_pair[0])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

# Process free_busy objects to determine when there are blocks of 90+ min of free time
def get_uninterrupted(time_pair, free_busy):
uninterrupted_time = []
start_time = time_pair[0]
end_time = time_pair[1]

# If the user doesn't have any meetings for the day,
# return the entire time slot as an uninterrupted time
if not free_busy[0]["time_slots"]:
'start_time': int(start_time),
'end_time': int(end_time),
return uninterrupted_time

# Start the search from the beginning of the work day
previous_start_of_free_time = int(start_time)
# Iterate through each time_slot and calculate free time
for time_slot in free_busy[0]["time_slots"]:
free_time = time_slot["start_time"] - previous_start_of_free_time
if free_time > 90 * 60:
'start_time': previous_start_of_free_time,
'end_time': time_slot["start_time"],
previous_start_of_free_time = int(time_slot["end_time"])

# Check the time between the last meeting and the end of the work day
last_event_end_time = free_busy[0]["time_slots"][-1]["end_time"]
free_time_before_eod = int(end_time) - last_event_end_time
if free_time_before_eod > 90 * 60:
'start_time': last_event_end_time,
'end_time': int(end_time),
return uninterrupted_time

# Process free_busy objects to determine when there are blocks of less than 90 min of free time
def get_fragmented(time_pair, free_busy):
fragmented_time = []
start_time = time_pair[0]
end_time = time_pair[1]

# If the user doesn't have any meetings for the day,
# return an empty list
if not free_busy[0]["time_slots"]:
return fragmented_time

# Start the search from the beginning of the work day
previous_start_of_free_time = int(start_time)
# Iterate through each time_slot and calculate free time
for time_slot in free_busy[0]["time_slots"]:
free_time = time_slot["start_time"] - previous_start_of_free_time
if free_time == 0:
if free_time < 90 * 60:
'start_time': previous_start_of_free_time,
'end_time': time_slot["start_time"],
previous_start_of_free_time = int(time_slot["end_time"])

# Check the time between the last meeting and the end of the work day
last_event_end_time = free_busy[0]["time_slots"][-1]["end_time"]
free_time_before_eod = int(end_time) - last_event_end_time
if free_time_before_eod < 90 * 60 and free_time_before_eod != 0:
'start_time': last_event_end_time,
'end_time': int(end_time), })

return fragmented_time

# Identify events that are immediatele before or after a fragmented time slot
def get_unoptimized(calendar_id, time_pair, fragmented_time):
start_time = int(time_pair[0])
end_time = int(time_pair[1])
unoptimized_events = []

for time_slot in fragmented_time:
if time_slot["start_time"] != start_time:
#use a 5 minute buffer to find the event
end_after = time_slot["start_time"] - 5 * 60
end_before = time_slot["start_time"] + 5 * 60
# Query the Nylas Events Endpoint for events within the specified time
event =
if event and event["id"] not in unoptimized_events:

if time_slot["end_time"] != end_time:
# Use a 5 minute buffer to find events
start_after = time_slot["end_time"] - 5 * 60
start_before = time_slot["end_time"] + 5 * 60
event =
if event and event["id"] not in unoptimized_events:
return unoptimized_events

# Take a list of time and calculate the total duration of all the time pairs
def calculate_total_time(time_list):
total = 0
for time_pair in time_list:
total += (time_pair["end_time"] - time_pair["start_time"])
return int(total / 60)

if __name__ == "__main__":
nylas = initialize_nylas()
email = nylas.account.email_address
calendar_id = get_calendar_id(nylas, email)

# Define start / end times for workday
start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime("9:30AM", '%I:%M%p')
end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime("6:00PM", '%I:%M%p')

# Get time stamps for all work days in the week
time_list = working_hours(start_time, end_time)
# Get a user's free-busy info for the work week
free_busy_week = get_all_free_busy(nylas, email, time_list)

response = []
# For each day...
for i in range(0, 5):
date_object = {}
# Get a human-readable date format
date_object["date"] = get_date_from_time_pair(time_list[i])

# Find the user's uninterrupted focus time and fragmented time
uninterrupted_time = get_uninterrupted(time_list[i], free_busy_week[i])
fragmented_time = get_fragmented(time_list[i], free_busy_week[i])

# Get the unoptimized meetings for the user's week.
unoptimized_meetings = get_unoptimized(calendar_id, time_list[i], fragmented_time)

# Construct the final JSON response.
date_object["uninterrupted"] = {
"minutes": calculate_total_time(uninterrupted_time),
"time_slots": uninterrupted_time,
date_object["fragmented"] = {
"minutes": calculate_total_time(fragmented_time),
"time_slots": fragmented_time,
date_object["unoptimized_meetings"] = unoptimized_meetings

print(json.dumps(response, indent=1))