Only show these results:

Invalid Credentials

When a user’s credentials or server settings for IMAP/ SMTP or Exchange changes, the account stops syncing and its status changes to invalid-credentials. For the account sync to resume, you must ask the user to go through the authentication flow again with their new credentials or server settings.

Credentials Change

Once the user has reauthenticated, the account sync resumes.

Server Settings Change

If the user changes the IMAP/ SMTP or Exchange server endpoint, all previously synced Nylas API IDs for the account will be invalidated. The user is then associated with a new account and <ACCOUNT_ID>, and the Nylas API token returned from reauthentication will point to this account.

Your application must detect this new <ACCOUNT_ID> and take appropriate measures to invalidate all existing IDs you have cached since they are no longer valid.

Be sure to revoke any former access tokens you are no longer using with the /oauth/revoke endpoint. If you no longer have access to these tokens, you can revoke all tokens automatically using the Revoke all tokens endpoint.

User Accounts from Mail Server

A password change usually doesn't create a separate account, but it’s possible that Nylas will autodetect a different mail server during reauthentication. It’s important to be aware of any <ACCOUNT_ID> changes for a particular user.

From an application perspective on your end, if you detect that the <ACCOUNT_ID> changes for a user, you need to resync since all your former object IDs are no longer valid.