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Troubleshooting Scheduler v2

Office 365 Event Not Added to Calendar

description: "I received a booking confirmation, but my event wasn't added to my Office 365 calendar."

  • Learn why an event was not added to your Office 365 calendar
  • Adjust your Office 365 settings

If you created an even with Scheduler and received a booking confirmation, but an event was not automatically added to your calendar, there are some settings you can adjust.

In your Outlook settings, check to see if events from your email are automatically added to your calendar.

If they are enabled, check with your email administrator. The settings can be changed locally and globally.

Handling Scheduler v2 Re-authentication

When a customer re-authenticates their account, or their account has their tokens and permissions revoked, Nylas's access tokens will be invalid.

  • Learn why customers need to re-authenticate
  • How to re-authenticate customers

When a customer re-authenticates their account, or their account has their tokens and permissions revoked, Nylas's Scheduler access tokens will be invalid.

The Scheduling Page will return the "Sorry, we were unable to find any calendars" error .

Invalid Tokens

To fix this, make a GET request to, with the account's newest access token after they re-authenticate.

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer {MOST_RECENT_ACCESS_TOKEN}"   

No Calendars Selected

Changing the calendar names can also cause this error. Confirm valid entries by navigating to Calendars in the Schedule Editor.