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[2024-07-10] New in Nylas - July 2024

Welcome friends to our monthly episode of New in Nylas! We have some exciting new features in store for you. But first…

Did you know we have RSS feeds?

That’s right, we’re doing this a little old school. Point your RSS reader at us to subscribe to our SDK changelogs, our product Release notes, or both.

As a friendly reminder, Nylas maintains compatibility within major versions. This means if you’re on Nylas v3, you don’t need to do anything to use the features we’re talking about here. (If you’re still using v2, we can’t wait to show you our latest and greatest! Check out the Upgrade guide.)

Nylas v2 migration and deprecation news

Nylas v3 is our faster, more reliable, easier to use new platform, and we can’t wait to show you what you’re missing. To help us focus, Nylas is only making critical updates to Nylas v2 at this time, and v2 will be deprecated on October 1st, 2024.

Dashboard v2 features and functionality are now available in the v3 Dashboard, but to help you transition, we're extending the v2 Dashboard deprecation to the end of August.

New v3 status page

Exactly what it says on the tin: we now have a separate status page for Nylas v3 for all your new-version informational needs.

Nylas v3 migration tools

To make your transition process as smooth as possible, we created APIs to help you migrate your applications and connected accounts from v2 to v3. See the App Migration guide, and the Migration API references for more information.

New in July, we also have detailed instructions on migrating the myriad types of Microsoft accounts out there. Which brings us to...

New connector for Exchange on-prem

New this month, Nylas adds a specific connector to allow you to connect to Exchange on-premises servers. This connector is separate from the Microsoft connector, which covers most other Microsoft accounts. Check out the new Exchange on-prem provider guide for more details.

For anyone wondering “What is Exchange and why should I care?”: Microsoft Exchange on-prem is a self-hosted application that an administrator can run on their own servers to provide email, calendar, and contacts directory features to their organization. While Microsoft officially ended support for Exchange and migrated Exchange Online accounts to more modern services, Exchange on-prem is still installed on many private servers and used by many people.

Room resources now available in the Calendar API

If you've ever booked a conference room along with your meeting, you know them and love them - Room resources are now available in Nylas v3. Short and sweet: read more, or check out the Room resources API docs.

Nylas API bug fixes and improvements

  • Previously, a bug caused the unsupported debug fields created_at and updated_at to be populated in draft and message objects, breaking the API contract. These fields have been removed.
  • You can now use the query parameter in with search_query_native for all providers.
  • When using messages and threads with the Microsoft provider, you can now use the in parameter with other parameters, however the parameter subject is now restricted. Learn more about query parameter restrictions for Microsoft.
  • The nonfunctioning "Get Webhook IP addresses" endpoint was removed.

Improvements in the v3 Dashboard

We’ve been hard at work making sure that you and your organization have everything you need in the Nylas v3 Dashboard.

Logs in the v3 Dashboard

The Nylas v3 Dashboard now allows you to access the logs for both your legacy v2 applications, and for new v3 applications. Logs for authentication, API requests, and webhook notifications are available for legacy v2 applications. For v3 applications, logs are for authentication activities and webhook notifications.

Multi-factor authentication, now in the v3 Dashboard

Multi-factor authentication (or MFA) provides another layer of security for Dashboard users by requiring that they provide an additional verification along with their password. You can now enable multi-factor authentication to secure your Dashboard v3 account and your organization's applications, either for each individual account, or for your entire organization. See the Dashboard MFA settings docs for more details.

Changes to the v3 Sandbox scopes

This month we updated all v3 Sandbox accounts to use all scopes for both Microsoft and Google.

Previously, the Nylas v3 Sandbox used a set of very general scopes, with the goal of allowing you to use all of the Nylas APIs. This meant that if your provider auth apps used more restrictive scopes, you would get a provider error, because the providers require you to use the same literal scope strings that were approved in the provider auth apps. These errors should no longer occur and you can use whatever scopes you want. If you encounter issues, contact Nylas support.

Scheduler updates

More Scheduler features were shipped last month! Some highlights include:

  • Conferencing.
  • Collective meetings and round-robin meetings.
  • Custom booking forms.

Check out the Scheduler announcements for more information.

New ways to search and filter

It’s summertime (in the Northern Hemisphere) and rate limits are on our minds.

To help avoid rate limits, Nylas added several ways to be more specific when making API requests that might otherwise return a lot of data (and get you in trouble with the providers). You can use query parameters to filter results, use native search strings for Google and Microsoft, use Microsoft Graph $filter statements, and use field select statements to return just the information in the specific fields you want. Check out the Avoiding rate limits best practices guide for more details.

New and updated docs

We’re always working to make our docs better! This month, we’re pointing the spotlight at these pages:

You might also notice changes to our Microsoft provider guide, so keep an eye on it over the next few months.

Latest Nylas Tech blogs

Our DevRel team is hard at work bringing you cool demos built on Nylas v3. Here's a new one for July:

That's all for now

We appreciate you joining our release, and welcome your feedback and suggestions. If you have comments or suggestions on the documentation, please drop us a line.