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[2024-08-14] New in Nylas - August 2024

Welcome friends to our monthly episode of New in Nylas! Summer is upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere, and we have some great updates in store for you. But first…

Did you know we have RSS feeds?

Point your RSS reader at us to subscribe to our SDK changelogs, our product Release notes, or both.

As a friendly reminder, Nylas maintains compatibility within major versions. This means if you’re on Nylas v3, you don’t need to do anything to use the features we’re talking about here. (If you’re still using v2, we can’t wait to show you our latest and greatest! Check out the Upgrade guide.)

Nylas v2 deprecation news

Nylas v3 is our faster, more reliable, easier to use new platform, and we can’t wait to show you what you’re missing. To help us focus, Nylas is only making critical updates to Nylas v2 at this time. Dashboard v2 features and functionality are now available in the v3 Dashboard.

To make sure you have time to finish your migration, we’ve extended the v2 deprecation date to December 31, 2024. (If you're seeing this a second time in your RSS feed, this update is why!)

If you haven’t already, check out the Nylas v2 to v3 Upgrade Guide for instructions on how to get started getting your project on v3, and the App Migration guide, the Migration API references, and our detailed instructions on migrating the many types of Microsoft accounts out there.

Introducing Migration Station

Every once in awhile in tech writing, you look back at what your team has written and realize that it’s a lot. A whole lot. It’s all useful and necessary, but not all of it will be necessary for every reader. We always think to ourselves, “Wow if I could just ask the reader about their deployment, I could give them just the info they need!”

Dear readers, we just did that.

Introducing Migration Station, a customized upgrade and data migration guide built for you based on what Nylas features you use. Fill out the form and build a guide, and save the URL to share or to come back to later. We’d love your feedback!

Submit your Nylas DEV Challenge entries

Remember to submit your entries for the Nylas DEV Challenge, live through September 1st! (We realize that's soon!) We have two prompts and lots of prize money to award.

Nylas SDK changelogs

Our intrepid team of developers is always working to improve Nylas, and that includes the SDKs that we maintain. We had a few updates to the SDKs throughout July:

As a reminder, you can always see the complete list of changelogs here.

Nylas API improvements and bug fixes

Bugs are an (unfortunate) fact of software life, and we're always working to fix them. This month:

  • We added the missing source attribute to the contact object, so you can now tell where specific contacts came from.
  • We also fixed some inconsistencies with case sensitivity in query parameters:
    • The subject query parameter in the Return all Threads API and Return all Messages API now consistently support case-insensitive substring match. Previously, case sensitivity was inconsistent across email providers.
    • The location, description, and title query parameters in the Return all Events API now support case-insensitive substring match. Previously, this was a case-sensitive literal match.
    • The Return all Events API now allows you to use the description query parameter to filter Microsoft grants.

New and updated docs

This month we’ve been working on clarity and consistency in some of our older docs. If you’re not in the docs every day (like we are) these changes might not be obvious, so here’s a little rundown.

Revamped Microsoft provider guide

We’re continuing to make our Microsoft provider guide even better! Going forward, the information in them will be less cluttered and more relevant to what you’re doing with Nylas v3. So far, we’ve…

  • Removed references to Microsoft’s deprecated Basic Authentication system.
  • Consolidated pages that repeated information.
  • Updated the pages written specifically for Nylas v2.

De-cluttered Email API docs

The Nylas Email API is big, and we noticed that our Using the Nylas Email API page had grown to match. To make things easier to find, we broke that page out into more specific topics:

That's all for now

We appreciate you joining our release, and welcome your feedback and suggestions. If you have comments or suggestions on the documentation, please drop us a line.