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[2021-07-27] Event meatadata

Event Metadata is now out of beta!

Event metadata lets you attach key-value pairs to event objects. Use it to store information such as customer ID, internal event data, and other information. Review our Event Metadata documentation to get started.

"account_id": "{account_id}",
"busy": true,
"calendar_id": "{calendar_id}",
"description": "Let's Party!!!",
"ical_uid": null,
"id": "6ndts0aut32bzrfd9dmzma1fr",
"job_status_id": "{job_status_id}",
"location": "Roller Rink",
"message_id": null,
"metadata": {
"event_type": "birthday",
"internal_event_id": "b55469dk",
"number_of_guests": 55
"object": "event",
"owner": "Albert Einstein <>",
"participants": [
"comment": null,
"email": "",
"name": "Thomas Edison",
"status": "noreply"
"read_only": false,
"status": "confirmed",
"title": "Birthday Party",
"when": {
"end_time": 1615334400,
"object": "timespan",
"start_time": 1615330800