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[2024-01-04] Nylas Ruby SDK v6.0.0-beta.3

The Nylas Ruby SDK v6.0.0-beta.3 has been released!

Breaking changes

This release includes breaking changes that improve the organization of the Grants and Auth APIs. This makes them easier to find, and better matches how the main Nylas APIs are organized.

  • Moved grants API from Auth to NylasClient (#447).
  • Moved Grants.create() to Auth.customAuthentication() (#447).


  • Added support for Contacts API (#438).
  • Added support for Send RSVP (#444).
  • Added Draft Send support (#446).
  • Added missing webhook triggers (#445).


  • Fixed issue when sending message without attachments (#437).
  • Fixed issue when building an OAuth 2.0 URL (#449).
  • Fixed Free-Busy endpoint path (#440).