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[2024-02-05] Nylas Ruby SDK v6.0.0 beta 4

The Nylas Ruby SDK v6.0.0 beta 4 has been released!

Breaking changes

  • Renamed to Applications.get_details() for consistency.
  • Changed return type of Auth.url_for_oauth2_pkce() from OpenStruct to a hash for consistency.


  • Added support for detecting providers.
  • Added enhanced support for the Webhooks API.


  • Default client_secret to the configured api_key for token exchange methods if not provided.
  • Fixed list and find scheduled messages.
  • Fixed incorrect PKCE code challenge generation.
  • Fixed incompatible types when building OAuth2 URL.
  • Fixed construction of query parameters.
  • Fixed construction of OAuth2 URL.
  • Fixed typo in paths for Grants class.