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[2024-06-13] Nylas Scheduler v3 Beta 2

Nylas Scheduler Beta 2 has been released!

More Scheduler features are coming soon to as we build towards parity with the v2 Scheduler. Depending on your implementation, the current release might already include everything you need. Check out the Nylas Scheduler v3 interactive roadmap for more information.


  • Added support for conferencing. When organizers select a conferencing option from the Scheduler Editor, Scheduler automatically creates online conferences. Booking confirmations and email notifications will include the conference link. Supported providers are Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom Meeting. For more information, see Adding conferencing to bookings.
    • Added conferencing to the Configurations endpoint.
    • Added the conferenceProvider property to the nylas-event-location component. You should set this property in the parent component (nylas-scheduler-editor).
  • Added support for custom booking forms. The Scheduler Editor now includes the Booking form tab where organizers can add additional fields to Scheduling Pages.
    • Added additional_fields to the Configurations and the Bookings endpoints. Supported field types are text, multi_line_text, email, phone_number, dropdown, date, checkbox, and radio_button.
    • Added the nylas-booking-form-config component to the Scheduler Editor Component.
    • Added form components to support form creation from the UI. Form components include checkbox-component, input-component, radio-button-group, select-dropdown, textarea-component, and toggle-switch.
  • Added support for collective meetings. Collective meetings allow organizers to host an event with participants in their team or company. Organizers can configure default open hours and participant open hours.
    • Added participants.timezone to the Configurations endpoint.
    • Added guest.timezone to the the Bookings endpoint.
    • Added the nylas-additional-participants component to the Scheduler Editor Component.
    • Added the nylas-participants-custom-availability component to the Scheduler Editor Component.
    • Added the nylas-connected-calendars component to the Scheduler Editor Component.