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Inconsistent UIDVALIDITY Value

Resynced more than MAX_UIDINVALID_RESYNCS in a row. Stopping sync.

In some cases, Nylas must stop syncing accounts for specific IMAP servers that are incorrectly configured.

Causes Inconsistent UIDVALIDITY

The account is in a stopped status, and mailsync logs are returning:

Resynced more than MAX_UIDINVALID_RESYNCS in a row. Stopping sync.

When we try to sync an IMAP account, Nylas makes use of 2 important identifiers to link locally cached messages with those that exist on the IMAP server.

Nylas needs a persistent unique identifier across sessions when syncing mail to ensure data remains consistent and up to date. If there are no persistent UIDs between sessions, then a UIDVALIDITY value is used to let you know your cache must be invalidated, and new UIDs will be assigned to messages.

Since Nylas syncs across multiple sessions for an account and UIDVALIDITY changes constantly, there is no way for us ever properly link IMAP UIDs since they become invalidated each session.

Servers with inconsistent UIDVALIDITY will remain unsupported until they adhere to standards set by We are not able to work around the issue.

UIDVALIDITY and Empty Folders

In some cases, the UIDVALIDITY error is being triggered on empty folders with no messages (and therefore, no UIDVALIDITY value exists). In these cases, the end-user can delete the empty folders as a workaround to this issue. Alternatively, the end-user can put at least one message in every empty folder to generate the UIDVALIDITY value and allow the account to resync.

Solutions Inconsistent UIDVALIDITY

We are unable to sync mail servers whose UIDVALIDITY changes constantly.

UIDVALIDITY with Amazon WorkMail

Resynced more than MAX_UIDINVALID_RESYNCS in a row. Stopping sync.

If you have an Amazon WorkMail account and you have connected it to Nylas using IMAP, you may see your account in a STOPPED state with the following message in the mailsync logs:

Resynced more than MAX_UIDINVALID_RESYNCS in a row. Stopping sync.


The error message indicates that the email server does not maintain consistent UIDVALIDITY values, which is incompatible with Nylas. See Inconsistent UIDVALIDITY value for more details.

Solutions Amazon UIDVALIDITY