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Microsoft Exchange Login

Usually, users will be able to log in via Exchange using their email address and password.

Advanced Settings

By default, Nylas performs autodiscovery to determine what the best server settings are to connect. Sometimes autodiscovery might not work properly and manually entering advanced settings may be required to authenticate an account when authenticating through Nylas' hosted authentication flow.

Exchange Login Advanced Settings

If the account's Exchange username is different than the email address, enter it in the advanced settings form. A username can be of the format [email protected] or DOMAIN\username, and is usually the same as your Windows login.

For the Exchange Server, enter the address of your Exchange server, like This is usually visible in the address bar when logging in to the Outlook Web App.

Talk to your friendly Exchange admin

You might need to reach out to your Exchange or IT admin for the correct connections settings. They should be able to provide the proper connection info for this step.

Here's a quick video example showing how your users can login using advanced Exchange server info.

Two Factor Authentication

If a user has two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled on their account, they may need to generate an app password, and can use Microsoft's instructions for how to do that, or visit Common Authentication Issues for more information.

Connection Issues

If you are sure the details are correct but login is failing, this may be due to connection issues. Please make sure the server does not require VPN access. See Common Authentication Issues for details about other common errors.

Extra Help

Sometimes the username and server details are all correct, but syncing an account still fails. This is rare and we recommend you contact support with a detailed description of the issue you are experiencing.