Only show these results:

Composer Component

This feature is in Maintenance mode. Nylas will patch bugs and vulnerabilities but is not currently working on new functionality.

Use the Nylas Composer to connect to any email data and provide a custom front end for your applications. Composer provides an out of the box solution for writing and sending emails.

Without needing to write a single line of code, Composer comes with:

  • To, from, cc, and bcc fields
  • Subject field
  • Header
  • Attachment
  • Sending right out the box
  • Ability to format messages
  • Light and dark themes
  • Customization options

If you want to change the behavior of Composer, it comes with custom callback functions and custom hooks.

An animated GIF of the Nylas Composer component. The user is writing and formatting an email message.


  1. Create a Composer component in your Nylas Dashboard.
  2. Add it to your application.
<!-- Import the script from CDN -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Place the component on the page -->
<nylas-composer id="<PASTE_YOUR_COMPONENT_ID>"></nylas-composer>

That’s It! Composer is ready to use!


Before you use components, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • A v2 Nylas application.
  • The minimum required scopes:
    • Agenda: calendar
    • Composer: email.modify, email.send, contacts.read_only
    • Contact list: contacts.read_only
    • Email: email.modify, contacts.read_only
    • Messages: email.read_only, contacts.read_only
  • An application to add the component to.

Composer Installation Options

You can install Composer 2 ways:

npm Package

Composer on npm

  1. Run npm i @nylas/components-composer or yarn add @nylas/components-composer
  2. Then import and render the component.
    // Import the web component
import '@nylas/components-composer';

// In render method

Script Tag

Use the CDN script tag,

<!-- Import the script from CDN -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Place the component on the page -->

Create the Composer Component

  1. Log in to your Nylas dashboard.
  2. Click Components.
  3. Click the Composer.
  4. Name your Component and select the account.
  5. Use an existing access token or generate a new one. To quickly start testing your Component select Enable for a single account.
    1. To learn how to enable components for multiple accounts see Authorizing Components
  6. Enter the domain the component will run on. Without the domains, the component will not run.
  7. Save your new Component.
  8. On the Edit page, you can configure your component behavior and appearance.

Generate an Access Token

Generating a new access token will not replace your existing access token; it will create a second access token with the same scopes as the previous token. You can revoke access tokens at any time.

Nylas Composer

Add the Component To Your Application

  1. On the Edit page, there are instructions for installing the new Component.

  2. If you haven't installed the Composer Component already, open a terminal and run npm i @nylas/components-composer.

  3. Then add your Nylas component. Copy and paste your component code into your application.
    <nylas-composer id="your-component-id"></nylas-composer>

    The Nylas Dashboard displaying the "Edit Component" page. A set of instructions to integrate the component is shown at the right of the screen.

  4. You should refresh your application if needed. Any configuration options set on the editing page will apply to your component.

Authorizing Components

You can authorize components to work with a single account or multiple accounts.

Enable for a single account

Enabling components for a single account is a good way to get started quickly. If you use this method in your production application, you must authenticate each account from the Nylas Dashboard one-by-one.

Enable components single account

Enable for all accounts

🔍 Dashboard previews don't work when you enable components for all accounts.

To enable components for all accounts, you must pass in an end user's access token as a property of the component. One way to do this is to create a login screen, capture the access token, and pass it to the component. You can pass access_tokens directly in the component, as in the following example.

<nylas-agenda id="COMPONENT-ID" access_token="USER-ACCESS-TOKEN"/>   

Be sure to keep your end users' access tokens hidden, and never expose them online.

Enable Components for all accounts


There are 2 ways to use Composer:

Use a Nylas Account

Install the Composer, then add it to your application. That's it! You're ready to start sending emails. You can alter the appearance and behavior for more functionality.

Bring Your Data

After installing Composer you will need to use custom callbacks to send emails. Check out our example using callbacks to send emails.

Send Emails

Once attached to an account, you can send emails from that account. Emails can be sent directly using the Send Endpoint to ensure a high rate of deliverability.


File attachments are limited to 4 MB.


Nylas components are flexible and can be customized for your needs. You can customize the display in 2 ways:

From Your Nylas Dashboard

Use this option if you are using the Component created from the dashboard. Customize the display by going to your application, selecting Components. Then select the Component you want to edit. If you are customizing using the dashboard, you can not edit the CSS or use custom callbacks.

Directly in the Application

No matter where you created your Component, you can use this method to edit the display options.

Pass them as component props:


Custom Properties

Name Type Description Default value
theme string Set the custom theme. Possible values are auto, light, dark or URL / relative path to custom CSS file. auto
show_header boolean Show the Composer header. If removed, the minimize, close and new message text are removed. true
show_from boolean Display the from field. true
show_to boolean Display the to field. true
show_cc boolean Display the cc field. true
show_bcc boolean Display the bcc field. true
minimized boolean Minimize composer. false
show_subject boolean Show the subject line. true
show_close_button boolean Show the close icon. true
show_minimize_button boolean Display the minimize icon. true
show_cc_button boolean Display cc field. true
show_bcc_button boolean Display bcc field. true
show_attachment_button boolean Display attachment icon. true
show_editor_toolbar boolean Display toolbar with options such as bold, lists and underline. true
tracking Nylas Tracking Object Allows tracking for message opens, link clicks, and thread replies. null

Custom CSS

To customize the CSS, you can change the theme custom property to one of the provided themes by Nylas:

    <nylas-composer id="your-composer-id" theme="dark"></nylas-composer>   

You can also easily override styles for pre-selected themes by writing your own CSS vars. The customizable CSS variables are the following and the value assigned should be a valid CSS property value:

    nylas-composer {
--composer-background-color: #282b2b;
--composer-background-muted-color: #454949;
--composer-text-color: #fff;
--composer-text-light-color: #b0b0c0;
--composer-text-secondary-color: #ffffff;
--composer-font: lato, sans-serif;
--composer-font-size: 14px;
--composer-font-size-small: 12px;

--composer-border-color: #282828;
--composer-primary-color: #00c1a0;
--composer-primary-light-color: #434343;
--composer-primary-dark-color: #00a88b;
--composer-icons-color: #8e8e98;
--composer-header-background-color: var(--composer-background-color);

--composer-success-color: white;
--composer-success-light-color: var(--composer-primary-color);

--composer-danger-color: #ffffff;
--composer-danger-light-color: #ff5454;

--composer-info-color: white;
--composer-info-light-color: var(--composer-primary-light-color);

You can also provide your own stylesheet to the theme custom property. Review the dark.css theme to get the CSS variable names:


Allowed Domains

You can restrict the domains that your component works on using glob patterns, as in the following examples:

  • matches only
  • matches only
  • * matches and
  • * matches any domain.

Domain restriction applies only to the domain name. You cannot restrict URL paths (for example, or protocols (for example, HTTPS).

How Properties Are Handled

Nylas Components follow an order of operations to decide if the dashboard or code takes precedence.

  1. If the property is passed directly to the Component, use that first.
  2. If the property is not passed directly in the Component use the dashboard settings.
  3. If there are no properties set in the Component or the dashboard, use the Component defaults.

Custom Behavior

You can attach custom callbacks to Composer. These custom callbacks let you change the behavior or use the Component completely detached from Nylas.

Composer comes with callback and hooks. Use callback to change the component behavior and hooks to change behavior or get data when certain actions are taken.

In this example, we are using the composer.send callback and composer.afterSendSuccess to control the behavior of sending a message and closing the Composer after a message is sent.

// Use custom callbacks, implement send function
el.send = async (data) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
return resolve({ success: true });
}, 250);
// Use after send hook
el.afterSendSuccess = async (response) => {
el.close(); // Hide the composer after sending

Custom Callbacks

You can't pass callbacks as attributes

You must select the element, for example document.getElementById, and then attach the custom properties.

Name Type Description
composer.send(message) function Function that implements sending the email
composer.from function or array Array of contacts to pre-fill the from field or function that returns array of contacts or promise. function or array Array of contacts to pre-fill the to field or function that returns array of contacts or promise. function or array Array of contacts to pre-fill the cc field or function that returns array of contacts or promise.
composer.bcc function or array Array of contacts to pre-fill the bcc field or function that returns array of contacts or promise.
composer.uploadFile Function Function that has single argument (file) and returns object in format as described in Nylas file documentation

Emitted Events

The emitted event object will include a details property that contains the event payload, if available. You can observe these events in your application by calling .addEventListener(<EVENT_NAME>, () => {}) on your composer.

Name Description
manifestLoaded This event is dispatched on load when the manifest is loaded. The handler is passed the manifest argument.
onError Emitted if an error occurs while fetching data in the component. The handler is passed an object with the component id as the key and the error as the value.
composerMinimized Emitted whenever the minimize button is clicked from a maximized composer.
composerMaximized Emitted whenever the minimize button is clicked from a minimized composer.
composerClosed Emitted whenever the × button is clicked, or when the .close() custom hook is called.
composerOpened Emitted whenever the .open() custom hook is called.

Custom Hooks

Name Type Description
composer.change(message) function Called every time composer data is changed. First (and only) argument contains the latest version of the message.
composer.beforeSend function Called before sending the message.
composer.afterSendSuccess function Called before after the message is sent.
composer.afterSendError function Called if error happens during sending.
composer.beforeFileUpload function Called before sending the message.
composer.afterFileUploadSuccess function Called after the message is sent.
composer.afterFileUploadError function Called if error happens during sending.
composer.beforeFileRemove function Called before attachment is removed.
composer.afterFileRemove function Called after attachment is removed.

You can use a custom method to open and close the Composer.

<nylas-composer id="PASTE_YOUR_COMPONENT_ID"></nylas-composer>
const composer = document.getElementById('PASTE_YOUR_COMPONENT_ID')

// to show the composer;

// to close the composer

Demo Apps

You can fork any of these to get started right away with Composer.

What's Next?

Take a look at other Components:

Check us out on GitHub: