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Azure App

To use Microsoft Teams, you need to create an Azure app.


You'll have different steps if you have an existing Azure app or need to create an Azure app.

Existing App

If you already have an Azure app, follow all the steps listed.

New App

If you want to create a new Azure app or don't have one, follow our guide on Create an Azure App and return to this page.

Upgrade to Graph

The steps below cover the process of upgrading to Graph.

Step 1: Add Relevant Graph Scopes

The relevant Graph scopes in the Azure app are required for your Nylas integration. Confirm all permissions below before continuing to Step 2.

  1. Go to API Permissions.
  2. Click Add a Permission.
  3. Select Microsoft Graph.
  4. Depending on the Nylas features you are using, add the permissions below.
    • Email Messages Read only | Mail.Read
    • Email Messages Read and Write | Mail.ReadWrite
    • Email Send | Mail.Send
    • Calendar Read and Write | Calendar.ReadWrite
    • Contacts Read only | Contacts.Read
    • Contacts Read and Write | Contacts.ReadWrite

Keep the exisiting EWS and EAS scopes!

We will move services over in phases. Your integration may experience interruptions if EWS or EAS scopes are removed at this time. We will update when scopes can be removed.

In the Azure App Manage section, the API permissions tab shows configured permissions for Microsoft Graph.

Step 2: Re-authenticate Users

Re-authenticate your users to add the additional Graph scopes for Nylas. This switches to using Graph for your integration. Re-authentication is required for the changes to take effect. Use either action below to complete this step.

  • Force re-authentication for your users.
  • Communicate the changes to users for them to re-authenticate.

Step 1: Add Graph Permissions for Teams

You'll need to add the Graph permission OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite and Mail.Read to your Azure app. Adding permissions to an existing app will require users to reauthenticate.

  1. In your app, go to API permissions.
  2. Click on Add a Permission.
  3. Select Microsoft Graph.
  4. Use the search bar to find OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite and Mail.Read.

Step 2: Add Redirect URIs

  1. Go to Authentication and click Add a platform.
  2. Select Web.
  3. Add the URL based on your location. The URL is required to complete the authentication flow.
    • United States | <>
    • Europe | <>
  4. Go to the heading Implicit grant and hybrid flows. Check both boxes.
    1. Access tokens (used for implicit flows)
    2. ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows)
  5. Click Configure.
  6. On the same page, find the heading Supported account types.
    1. Single tenant - You'll need your tenant ID from the Overview page, and your app should be MDM verified. It will work during testing, without verification, but should be completed before publishing.
    2. Mulitenant - Nothing for now.

Step 3: Client Secret and Value

If you already have your client secret and value, then you can skip this section.

  1. Select Certificates & secrets.
  2. Click New Client Secret.
  3. Give the secret a name and select the time you want it to be valid before it expires.
  4. Copy the value; you'll need it during Create a Teams Integration.

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