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View all the information related to your application's connected accounts.

Accounts summary page

Accounts Table

The table overview provides key information for each account in your application. Use Filters to specify and update results in the table. For all values, see the Account Management API documentation.

Label Description Value
Status Account status update Running, Partial, Stopped
Email Email address of account Valid email address
Account ID Unique account value for identification 5l72txr9k37xi1hrj8wgt3mdg
Account Type Account status update Gmail, Exchange, etc.
Provider Specifies the provider that backs the account gmail, eas, etc.
Billing Billing state for account Paid, Cancelled, Deleted
Linked At Account status update Running, Partial, Stopped

Account Info

Find an account summary and activity log as well as account management options when selecting a specific account. Here, you can create access tokens, pause syncs, delete the account, and view logs.

Account Information page