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Set up reminders

Nylas can send email or webhook reminders for upcoming events. When you set up a reminder, you can configure the following:

  • Reminder type: You can specify the reminder type (email or webhook) in the Configuration object.
  • Reminder time: The time when the reminder will be sent.
  • Recipients (Email only): Host, Guest, or All. By default, Nylas sends reminders to all.
    • Host includes the organizer and participants within the organizer's the organizer’s team or company.
    • Guest includes the person who booked the event and the additional guest that they added.
  • Email subject (Email only): You can customize the email subject.

Set up a reminder using the Scheduler API

You can add the reminders array to a Configuration when you make a Create Configuration request or an Update Configuration request.

If you want to use webhook reminders, you must also subscribe to the booking.reminder webhook trigger.

  "event_booking": {
"reminders": [{
"type": "email",
"minutes_before_event": 30,
"recipient": "all",
"email_subject": "Meet Nylas in 30 minutes!"
  "event_booking": {
"reminders": [{
"type": "webhook",
"minutes_before_event": 30