Only show these results:

Parse Contacts from Events

This example shows how to help users Keep track of important meetings, enrich the user experience by adding detailed contact information for prospects, and make it easy for users to quickly auto-draft emails. Read about it on the Nylas blog.

from nylas import APIClient
import os
import datetime
CLIENT_ID = os.environ['CLIENT_ID']
def main():
# Initialize a Nylas client object that uses your user's access token
nylas = APIClient(

# Accepts: A nylas client object and list of events from the Nylas Calendar API
# Returns: A list of all events in which the user is a participant
def get_user_events(nylas, events):
# Find the events where the user is a participant
user_email = nylas.account.email_address
user_events = []
for event in events:
# Get a list of all participants for the evnet
participants = [participant["email"] for participant in event["participants"]]
# If the user is one of the participants, add this event to the list that's returned
if user_email in participants:
user_events += [event]
return user_events
# Accepts: A nylas client object and list of events from the Nylas Calendar API
# Returns: A list of email addresses for the prospects that are participating in the events
def get_prospect_emails(nylas, events):
prospect_emails = []
user_email = nylas.account.email_address
internal_domain = ""
for event in events:
participants = [participant["email"] for participant in event["participants"]]
if user_email in participants:
prospect_emails += [participant for participant in participants if internal_domain not in participant and participant not in prospect_emails]
return prospect_emails

# Accepts: A Nylas client object and a list of prospect emails
# Returns: A List of Nylas contact objects
def get_contact_info(nylas, emails):
contacts = []
for email in emails:
contact = nylas.contacts.where(email=email).first()
if contact:
contacts += [contact]
return contacts

# Accepts: A Nylas client object, a prospect email, and a list of Nylas event objects
# Returns: Boolean that indicates if user has sent an email to the prospect since their latest meeting.
def has_follow_up(nylas, email, events):
# Get the most recent email the user sent to the prospect
most_recent_sent_message = nylas.messages.where(in_="Sent", to=email, limit=1).first()
# Assign the message date to a variable we'll use later
last_comm_time =
except AttributeError:
# If the user has never sent an email to the prospect, set this value to 0
last_comm_time = 0
prospect_meetings = []
# Check all event participants for the prospect email address
for event in events:
participants = [participant["email"] for participant in event["participants"]]
if email in participants:
if prospect_meetings:
# Find the last meeting the prospect was a participant in
last_meeting = prospect_meetings[len(prospect_meetings)-1]
last_meeting_time = last_meeting.when['end_time']
# If the last meeting timestamp is larger than the last communication time, it means our user hasn't yet followed up.
if last_meeting_time > last_comm_time:
print("You need to follow up with {}".format(email))
return False
print("{} has been followed up with!".format(email))
return True

# Accepts: a Nylas client and a prospect's email address
# Returns: Nothing. It creates an email and sends it.
def draft_email(nylas, email):
draft = nylas.drafts.create() = [{'email': email}]
draft.subject = "Following up on our discussion earlier"
draft.body = "Just wanted to say hi and find out if there is anything I can do to help."
draft.from_ = [{'email': '[email protected]', 'name': 'Your Name'}]

# Accepts: A Nylas client object and an email address
# Returns: Boolean that indicates if the user has sent an email to the address within the specified timespan
def is_stale(nylas, email):
# Find the last email the user sent to the provided email address
last_message = nylas.messages.where(in_="Sent", to=email, limit=1).first()
# Define the period of time we want the user to respond after
follow_up_period = int(( + datetime.timedelta(days=-29)).strftime("%s"))

# If follow_up_period is smaller than the date for the last message, it means an email has been sent within this period, and the user doesn't need to respond.
if follow_up_period <
last_message_pretty = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp("%B %d, %Y")
print("Last communication to {} was on {}".format(email, last_message_pretty))
return False
print("You need to follow up with {}".format(email))
return True

def mark_stale(nylas, email):
contact = get_contact_info(nylas, [email])[0]
contact.notes = "Status: Stale"

def main():
today =
# Get a datetime for Monday and Friday of this week
monday = today + datetime.timedelta(days=-today.weekday(), weeks=0)
friday = monday + datetime.timedelta(days=5)
# Get the last week
past_week_start = today + datetime.timedelta(days=-7)
# Define the time range for 30-36 days ago
distant_start_time = today + datetime.timedelta(days=-36)
distant_end_time = today + datetime.timedelta(days=-30)

# Request all calendars the user has access to
calendars = nylas.calendars.all()
# Get the calendar_id of the calendar named "Prospect Meetings"
calendar_id = [ calendar['id'] for calendar in calendars if 'Prospect Meetings' in calendar['name'] ][0]

# Return all events between this Monday and Friday
all_upcoming_events =
# Return all events in the last week
all_past_events =
# Return all events 31-37 days ago
all_distant_events =

# ----------------------- Upcoming Meetings Panel
user_upcoming_events = get_user_events(nylas, all_upcoming_events)
upcoming_prospect_emails = get_prospect_emails(nylas, user_upcoming_events)
upcoming_prospect_info = get_contact_info(nylas, upcomingprospect_emails)
for email in upcoming_prospect_emails:
last_message = nylas.messages.where(in_="Sent", to=email, limit=1).first()
if last_message:
print("The most recent message sent to {} was on {}".format(
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(last_message["date"]).strftime("%B %d, %Y - %H:%M:%S")
print("No communications with {}".format(email))

# ----------------------- Past Meetings Panel
user_past_events = get_user_events(nylas, all_past_events)
past_prospect_emails = get_prospect_emails(nylas, all_past_events)
past_prospect_info = get_contact_info(nylas, past_prospect_emails)
for email in past_prospect_emails:
if not has_follow_up(nylas, email, user_past_events):
print("Drafting an email to {}!".format(email))
draft_email(nylas, email)

# ----------------------- Prospect Reconnect Panel
user_distant_events = get_user_events(nylas, all_distant_events)
distant_prospect_emails = get_prospect_emails(nylas, all_distant_events)
distant_prospect_info = get_contact_info(nylas, distant_prospect_emails)
for email in past_prospect_emails:
if is_stale(nylas, email):
mark_stale(nylas, email);

if __name__ == "__main__":

What's Next?

Need to parse contacts from emails? Signature Extraction can parse contacts from your user's inbox.